welcome to the coolest site on the web.


collection of words. hover over links for more info.


jump to musings jump to clippings


the stuff i write. beware, i do not edit. i just word vomit.

Blog (tw: dark topics sometimes-- i use it like a diary)

bone crush

forced into adulthood

high school was the fucking worst

instagram...IS BAD???????


nothin' here yet.

Zinez & Comics


meowsic lamented

in defense of jojo siwa

cage the victim

things NOT to say to a lesbian


a break in the clouds

Love Poem


it's not done yet. check back later.


writings by other people. i love these.

if this was a physical collection, i'd be hoarding these like newspaper clippings.

Art & Creativity

Stolen Art on Amazon, AliExpress, Etsy, Temu

Writing, Typing, Being, Musing, Imagining

The Audience of Zero

artists vs. social media

Social Technology

Becoming Unreachable? Web Boundaries, Closing Communications, and Email Aliases

Social Media and Neocities

The Issue With Stealing on Neocities

Why I Unfollowed Everyone Everywhere & Other Strange Decisions to Fight the Feed

Flippin' the Bird to the Bird: That Time I Left Twitter

Zinez & Comics



YouthCulture2000 Webzine

too much or not enough

lainzine issue no. 1

like gravity



October's Manifesto

Rain's Manifesto

Chapkido's Manifesto

Simon's Manifesto

Melon's Manifesto

Bechno Kid's Manifesto


Wednesday is Poetry Day: e. e. cummings

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock


Listening to Taylor Swift in Prison

Education Under Capitalism

Autistic (Non)Compliance

Greenwashing You Love to Spread: Killer Cats

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♡2024 by syn the tv kid.            made for me, not for mobile            Now we the American working population Hate the fact that eight hours a day Is wasted on chasing the dream of someone that isn't us And we may not hate our jobs But we hate jobs in general That don't have to do with fighting our own causes We the American working population Hate the nine-to-five day-in day-out When we'd rather be supporting ourselves By being paid to perfect the pasttimes That we have harbored based solely on the fact That it makes us smile if it sounds dope                                                      ♡2024 by syn the tv kid.            made for me, not for mobile            Now we the American working population Hate the fact that eight hours a day Is wasted on chasing the dream of someone that isn't us And we may not hate our jobs But we hate jobs in general That don't have to do with fighting our own causes We the American working population Hate the nine-to-five day-in day-out When we'd rather be supporting ourselves By being paid to perfect the pasttimes That we have harbored based solely on the fact That it makes us smile if it sounds dope