
it has all become too much for me so i will run away.

i think often running away is seen as a bad thing because you are supposed to “face your problems” and “not bottle up your feelings”

but sometimes it’s good to run away because you are giving yourself a chance to breathe. you’re removing yourself from the chaos to gain an outside perspective. it’s okay to run away and come back. you can save stuff for later and you can pause when you need to. in fact, you SHOULD pause when you need to.

sometimes we get too caught up in the online world and forget to just chill and enjoy the gentle still of nature (i.e. touch grass)

not even nature, just finding that stillness of when the power goes out and you kinda have to think of what to do without light and internet??? yknow?? maybe it’s easier for ppl who grew up without social media, but ever since quarantine it’s been so hard for me to go outside and interact with people /gen

that’s not good. that is NOT HEALTHY i need to experience the world before i die, i really do, and talking to fake internet people (you specifically) is not helping me

i consume all this overwhelming information until i fall asleep and then i wake up and do it over until i lose connection to my emotions and instead of being shocked and upset by bad news i just look at it with apathetic helplessness

and then i get depressed (quirky) and anxious and i feel bad for not doing enough and then i get to the point where i stop feeling bad and start not caring anymore

i fear that i’m not the only one who feels this way, which is bad because i think when people stop caring, people stop progressing

when we take breaks from reality, we give ourselves a chance to recollect our thoughts and return with enough energy and confidence in our beliefs to take down the evil bad guys (the government, the man, platypus) trying to fuck us over, which is totally punk rock!!!
—ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ —

pen, watercolor and feelings on standard 3 x 5 index cards

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