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breaker-one's site a green and pink animated website button reading 'frankencycled' in a gothic font

what i'm doing now :3

date: March 5, 2025

omg i lowkey forgot i have a now page PLEASE have mercy on me anywayy for the last two months i've been preparing to table at a zine fest for the first time!!! It's FLUKE Athens which is INSANE because thats like 60 artists?????? AHHHH thats so many im gonna look so sad with my like 5 zines lmaooo. i applied assuming i wouldn't get in but then i did uhhhhh so i gotta follow through yknow? but its still my first fest so i'm really just tryna observe and learn more than anything.

i really have been loving illustration and comics lately (ok tbf drawing has always been the loml) i have a weird relationship with drawing like, i hate it but in practice i love it and i know i will always come back to it in the end. my current art hyperfixation has been on children's book illustrators, specifically quentin blake, lauren child, and victoria kann. really obsessed with them all and i think i need a quentin blake tattoo soon haha. my dad got me an epson ecotank for christmas (he knows me so well lol) and it has been my best friend ever since!! now i don't have to walk to his office to print things and that is so powerful bc i can imitate lauren child's collage style now aH.

like yesterday i started watching johnnie guilbert and jake webber bc i kept seeing clips of them and tbh they're like emo 2010s dan and phil but in modern day and i really appreciate that. i used to be a big fan of tarayummy, and i like johnnie's songs, but idk i've always been put off by actually watching their content cuz it just feels like silly/shallow?? /neg??? (dont come at me its just vibes idk) but idrc rn they're my guilty pleasure channels hehe. johnnie was announced as an act at warped tour but the rest of the orlando lineup is still trash so...i'm gonna sell my tickets and use the money to buy tickets to shaky knees!!! bc shaky has MCR, all-american rejects, cage the elephant, deftones, blink-182, devo and fucking WEIRD AL on the lineup?????????? the tix r cheaper and i don't have to drive all the way to grody florida bc its in atlantaaaaa lets go best city in da world babyyy. anyway thats whats going on now :3

date: November 24, 2024

like last week or so i discovered the awesome new game: WEBFISHING! and it has kinda become my newest hyperfixation. i love that i can be a dog and i can fish and make friends and not have to worry about anything else :D

i've made so many zines lately!!!!! and i've traded and even sold a few omg!!!! i've always been into making comics and zines but lately i've been really hitting my stride with it. drawing is soz fun aHHHHH!!! ik it's weird for a so-called artist to be surprised that drawing is fun, but truthfully, i haven't enjoyed drawing in years. but zines are so low pressure. i can make anything i want and its amazing because i made it. that feeling means a lot to me.

diving deeper into the now, i've been thinking a lot about gender and sexuality lately. i dont really like thinking about it all because it hurts my head, but there is a lot of external pressure to kinda define those things. i had an experience with a guy and i really enjoyed it :3 i feel weird talking abt stuff like that bc it's personal but like, this is my now page what did u expect lol. i realized i don't really have preferred pronouns? i kinda hate them all equally :/ like idc, as long as you don't call me 'it', it literally doesn't matter to me. it makes me kinda sad bc i don't get that euphoric feeling that some people get from being called the right thing. but idk i think im aromantic, and that's really the only thing im sure of. i don't really want to give into the pressure telling me to pick a label for all the other stuff. gender is a lie, sex is cool, idk, idc, lmao.

anyway, that's what's going on with me now.

welcome to my NOW page!

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